110 W. University Blvd #3505 Silver Spring, MD 20918
(301) 681-8307


Saving Lives, Educating Children, Providing Adequate Healthcare

“Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable… Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.” .

Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sponsorship of the Anum Preschool

After visiting Anum Preschool in Ghana, West Africa, the board members of CHI decided to expand the mission of our organization to include the improvement of education for the children of Anum. As an organization focused on the well-being of children, we recognize that education is a priceless gift that should be given to every child.  This right to an education is one that every child deserves irrespective of social status.  CHI is dedicated to meeting the basic needs of the children of the Anum preschool – one child at a time.  With your contributions, we will help meet the needs of the students in ways that support their learning.  Great strides have been made since our initial visit in 2005 and we look forward to continued success. ​ 

Partnership with Kid’s HOPE Project

As a result of the Kid’s Hope Project (KHP), CHI was a proud recipient of grants from the Kohl’s Cares program.  Led by, then 9 year old, Maya, the Kid’s HOPE Project is all about kid’s helping other kid’s who are in need of a helping hand.  One of her largest projects was hosting events to acquire hundreds of dollars in arts and educational supplies, stuffed animals and books for the children of the Anum Preschool.  A small handful of volunteers accompanied CHI Board member as they dropped off the donated supplies to the children of the Anum preschool. KHP also collected toiletries and other supplies for the homeless. The Kid’s HOPE Project hopes to inspire children around the globe to reach out to  other children.  It only takes ONE person to make a BIG difference!

Shipping school supplies, clothing & medical supplies to Ghana

With your support, we are able to provide medical supplies, clothing, school supplies, toiletries and books to rural villages in Ghana, West Africa